TOUCH Silent Club (TSC) provides a community of friendship and support to Deaf persons of all ages. Besides academic coaching for students, we’ve exciting social activities and leadership development programmes for youths.

We actively work with employers to match suitable jobs for our Deaf Members, organise support groups for parents of Deaf children and provide Deaf seniors with enriching programmes.

Join 500 others in the vibrant Deaf community – sign up as a TSC Member!

As a TSC Member, you will receive:

  • Your very own membership card
  • Subsided rates for our events, programmes and services
  • Regular updates of events, programmes and services
  • Priority notice of special events
  • Free registration for Work Assistance Programme (WAP) for the Deaf
  • Member’s Privilege Programme
  • Birthday gift 




, a service of TOUCH Community Services, was launched in March 1993 to meet the needs of the Deaf community.
TSC firmly believes that every Deaf person has the potential to be an integrated and contributing member of the society.

Our programmes empower the Deaf to be independent individuals and guide them in the areas of education, vocation, recreation and social development.
We constantly seek to foster partnerships with the hearing community to work alongside us to make a difference to the Deaf community.


The number of Deaf clients served in 2016


The number of regular volunteers in 2016


The number of employers we partner
to provide jobs to the Deaf