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Great Eastern Shows What A Giving Family Is All About

TOUCH Home Care

Great Eastern Shows What A Giving Family Is All About

“A Giving Family” was the theme of Great Eastern’s annual Kids@Work Day this year.

Seventy children aged five to 13 joined their parents – employees of Great Eastern – to support the work of TOUCH Home Care (THC), a service of TOUCH Community Services, in meeting the needs of the frail elderly.

Parents and the younger children baked and packed muffins, and went around the office to sell them and raise funds for THC. The older children were accompanied by their parents to deliver meals to the elderly served by THC in Toa Payoh. Together, the Giving Family of Great Eastern raised more than $2,000 for THC and brought cheer to a number of frail elderly residents.

Says Christine Cheah, Chief Operating Officer of Great Eastern Financial Advisers and Chairman of the Kids@Work Day Organising Committee, “Besides promoting family bonding, our Kids@Work Day provides an opportunity for our staff to model the way in doing good. In doing so, we hope every child will develop a compassionate heart and, together with their parent, contribute towards social good”.

Kids@Work Day was held on Friday, 2 December 2016, which coincided with #GivingWeek, a national movement to “Build a City of Good”.