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A New Cause For Old Gadgets

A New Cause For Old Gadgets

Newstead Technologies is running the Gift Your Tech campaign from 5 December 2016 to 27 January 2017 to benefit children from disadvantaged families from TOUCH Community Services. 20 percent of the trade-in value of old electronic items brought for recycling will be donated by Newstead Technologies and a total of $20,000 will be raised for TOUCH. 

During the eight-week campaign, 12 participating Newstead Technologies stores will act as e-waste collection points. Only devices such as PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones will be considered for trade-in for cash vouchers equivalent to their trade-in value. Consumers can combine as many of these cash vouchers in one receipt to purchase new items at any Newstead Technologies stores.

Through Gift Your Tech, Newstead Technologies aims to encourage e-recycling and proper disposal of e-waste. PC Dreams, Newstead Technologies’ partner for the campaign will cleanse all collected devices of data securely. For end-of-life electronic items that are not eligible for trade-in, Newstead Technologies will recycle them through an e-waste recycling company. 

This initiative by Newstead Technologies for users of old electronic items to trade in their gadgets extends beyond monetary value – it will make a difference in the lives of many disadvantaged families and their children.

Visit http://giftyourtech.sg/ to learn more about the Gift Your Tech campaign.